[cpanel11] Issues and Concerns

Monday, July 9th, 2007 - cpanel11

We upgraded a couple of servers last week to cPanel 11 and so far have not had any clients raise any questions concerning the upgrade. However in our own review of the new system we seem to have identified a flaw. At this time, I’m not at liberty to discuss the flaw, partly because we are having trouble always duplicating the issue and trying to determine if it really is a flaw or something else. At any rate, this has kind of put a damper on our upgrade schedule. We don’t want to upgrade any other servers until we can get a better understanding of this flaw or issue.

It should be stated that this is just a flaw in the backend of the code and is not a vulnerability or anything that would adversely affect your data. It is more of a nuisance than anything else. But still we would much prefer to have the issue resolved or at least identified before we begin upgrading any other servers.

As always, for those clients that are on upgraded servers, if you experience any problems at all, please let us know. This helps us identify potential issues and it is much easier to handle those issues when dealing with a smaller scale rather than our entire server base.
