[General] Default Address Notices

Wednesday, September 5th, 2007 - General

We have not posted an update in a few weeks, things have been going relatively smoothly. We have finished the updates to cPanel 11. All accounts and servers should now be running cPanel 11. While its still likely that a few changes will trickle down from the cPanel developers regarding cPanel 11, the vast majority of things should stay the same.

We are also continuing our server upgrade program. Most of our older servers have been upgraded to bigger and more powerful servers. I think we still have a handful of servers that are queued to be upgraded. Individuals on those servers affected by this will receive a notice concerning this when the time comes. You should make sure that you have your contact information up-to-date with us, so you can be sure that you receive this e-mail.

We have also begun sending out notices to accounts that are utilizing their default address. This is a first step in a broader set of changes that are planned for later this year. The general basis is that your default address can represent an infinite number of e-mail addresses and handling mail for this can consume quite a bit of server resources. Its difficult to allocate server resources for other tasks when these resources are being used by the default address. If we can curb the amount of resource consumption that is used by the default address then this will allow better server performance and allow us to focus resources for more important tasks, such as spam prevention. We have written a guide that details how to set your default address to discard messages.

We have some other minor adjustments that we would like to make on the servers as we enter into 4Q 2007. The adjustments focus on server security and increasing server efficiency and production and aim to make your webhosting experience with us even better. Stay tuned to the blog for more information on these changes as they become available.

Scott Mutter