[General] Contact Information Update

Thursday, December 6th, 2007 - General

We have sent several notices out the past few weeks and a lot of those are being bounced back to us, saying that the e-mail address is invalid. I am going to be going through the system in the next few weeks and removing these e-mail addresses from our billing system, because if they are no longer active addresses, then we don’t need to be writing them.

I am asking everyone to please be sure that your contact information with us is up-to-date.

If you update your contact information in your control panel, that does not reach our billing system. The control panel contact information system is a completely different system than our billing contact system. Please be sure that your contact information is up-to-date with our billing system as this is the information we use to contact you.

We also received some auto-responders stating that your e-mail address has changed. This might be good for casual contacts, such as friend or relatives, but we need to be able to verify that you are who you say you are before we can update the contact information. Otherwise anyone would be able to change the contact information on your account. To change your contact information with us, you need to follow our procedure for updating this information.

To update your contact information please use the appropriate link at our Account Management area:


Click on the Update your Contact Information link to update your contact information.

If your contact information is not kept up-to-date, then we will have no way to contact you concerning issues regarding your account.

Thank You