[Apache2] Apache 2 Upgrade Round 2

Monday, March 17th, 2008 - Apache2

The Apache 2 upgrade we did a couple of weeks ago seems to have gone over very smoothly. We have not had any problems reported because of that upgrade. As a result we are going to proceed with the second round of server upgrades.

The second round of upgrades will be scheduled for March 24 through March 29. Again the upgrades will be done during the early morning hours, probably between 12AM and 4AM CDT. Downtime for each server is expected to be right at 1 hour. For this second round of upgrades we will be performing this upgrade on two servers. Users on these servers that will be affected by this upgrade will receive an e-mail notice regarding this upgrade later this week.

Please be sure that you have updated contact information on file with us! You need to be sure that your e-mail address you have on file with us is up-to-date and and address that you check regularly. If your e-mail address we have on file is outdated then we will have no way of contacting you. We have a lot of e-mail addresses on file that are no longer active, but we have no way of knowing what e-mail address you use. To update your contact information visit our Account Management Area and click the Update your Contact Information link.

We will again re-evaluate the situation after we do this round of Apache upgrades. It looks like we may do a third round of upgrades after this upgrade. Just stay tuned to this blog for more information concerning the Apache 2 upgrades.
