[General] New cPanel Update

Tuesday, June 3rd, 2008 - General

A new update to cPanel has been released by the cPanel developers. This update includes a few minor changes, but again the main advantage is in terms of performance. I have just updated one of our test servers to this new version of cPanel to try it out and I have seen a very significant improvement in terms of performance.

We will be working with this test installation throughout the week with an eye towards updating our production servers perhaps as early as next week. I am also following some leads from others in the cPanel community regarding some problems with the update. The developers are working on these issues as they are made aware of them, but the issues are very minor. Still I would like to be sure that there are very few, if any, known issues regarding this update before applying it to our production servers.

For end users, this update will not incur any downtime to your account and the update will go smoothly. The main thing you will notice is an increase in response time and performance on your account.

We wanted everyone to be aware of these changes.
