[General] Outdated Fantastico Script Installs

Thursday, August 27th, 2009 - General

I did a quick check of the servers and I found several outdated scripts that have been installed through Fantastico by users. I suspect that a lot of these are instances where users may have wanted to try out a script, but then forgot about the install and just left it. The problem with this is that these scripts remain active on your account even if you aren’t using them. If you installed Drupal to test it out, but never removed the installation, then you may have a very old version of Drupal setting on your account. These scripts have new vulnerabilities and exploits discovered in them all the time and the key to avoiding issues is to keep the script up-to-date. If the Drupal install is not being kept up-to-date, then it could make you vulnerable to a hack or other malicious activity on your account.

The plain and simple version of all of this is to delete any unused scripts off of your account and keep any used scripts up-to-date.

Following this advise will help to keep your account up and running and avoid any potential hackings and website defacements.

I am going to be working on a notification system where we can e-mail you about outdated Fantastico scripts that are installed on your account. Look for a notice either later this week or sometime early next week concerning your outdated Fantastico script installations.

Now would be a good time to insure that your contact information with us is up-to-date. You can update your contact information either in your control panel or by visiting:

