[General] Trouble updating Fantastico scripts
Wednesday, September 2nd, 2009 - General
I have seen a few issues where users have had trouble upgrading Fantastico based scripts. This is likely due to a low amount of disk space on your account. Fantastico will require some temporary disk space in order to perform the script update on your account. If you don’t have enough disk space available, then Fantastico may run out of space while performing the upgrade.
A quick way to check this is to check your Disk Space Usage. This is available in your control panel on the left-side under the Stats heading. It will look something like:

If the bar is RED then you will definitely want to contact support and have them update the script for you. If the bar is YELLOW then you may still want to contact support and have them do this upgrade.
Fantastico will create a backup of your script before it does an upgrade. It needs enough disk space to create this backup, store the final backup, and have enough disk space available to perform the upgrade. If you believe your disk space is too low for all of this, then please contact support before attempting an upgrade so that we can investigate this and perform the upgrade for you.