[General] Mail Server Issues – soft1

Tuesday, June 15th, 2010 - General

Update June 17th 2:51PM CDT – The mail systems have been converted over to the new system and are up and operational. We are continuing to test this software.

Update June 17th 2:16PM CDT – Mail systems are offline while systems are converted to the new mail software.

Update June 17th 11:32AM CDT – Our current efforts to correct this issue with the current software have not yielded anything. We are going to try changing the mail software on the server. Some users may experience the symptoms described below.

We are investigating some issues with IMAP on the soft1 server. We have reports of slow IMAP response on the server. We are currently investigating the issue and looking for ways to resolve the issue.

It may become necessary to change some of the backend software on the server to fix this. Most users will not notice any changes if this software is changed.

Users who have their IMAP account set up to automatically purge their trash may notice issues with this if the software is changed.

The main issue that users may see affects those users who use POP to check their mail, but leave the messages on the server. This change in software may cause your e-mail application to redownload all of your mail messages. Again, this would only affect individuals who have their e-mail account set to download via POP and leave a copy on the server.

No determination has been made if it will be necessary to change the software on the server, but it is one option we are looking at.

If we do update the software on the server an update will be posted here and on our support ticket pages.

This would only affect accounts that are on the server soft1.wznoc.com.

How to determine if this affects you:
See if you are on soft1. Log into your cPanel. If the location bar changes to https://secure.amsnac5.com:2083 then your account is on soft1. You can also click the expand stats link in the left side once you log into your cPanel and read the label Hostname. If this says soft1.wznoc.com, then you are on soft1.

You can also visit our website:


and enter your domain name to see what server you are located on.
