[General] Mail Server Upgrades

Monday, August 9th, 2010 - General

As noted in this post back on June 17th, we switched some of the mail server software on one our servers due to ongoing issues. The switch to that software has yielded great performance gains on that server and as a result we are going to be pushing this upgrade out to our other servers.

We did not experience any issues nor were any support issues raised when this server was upgraded on June 17th. This leads us to believe that the migration to this new software is straightforward and users are not expected to experience any issues with the upgrade.

Still, worth mentioning, this upgrade has the potential to cause the following issues:

• Users who have their IMAP account set up to automatically purge their trash may notice issues with this with the new mail server software.
• Users who use the POP protocol to check their mail, but leave a copy of the messages on the server, may see all of their mail downloaded into their e-mail program once again.

Because we want to make sure that there are not any wide-ranging adverse effects to this upgrade, we are going to be upgrading only one server at this time, and monitoring the server and tickets for any issues, before rolling the changes out to all of our servers.

Users of the server soft2.wznoc.com will be the next users to have this upgrade. We are scheduling this upgrade to take place around 8PM CDT on Thursday, August 12th. The POP and IMAP services will be offline while this upgrade takes place, which shouldn’t take but about 30 minutes, although we are going to allocate 2 hours for this upgrade.

To see if you are on soft2.wznoc.com and will be affected by this, visit our Server Identification Page at:


and enter your domain name. If the results shows soft2.wznoc.com then you will be affected by this.

Please refer back to this post for any updates concerning this upgrade.
