[General] PHP 5.3 Transition

Wednesday, May 23rd, 2012 - General

We are going to be beginning the process of transitioning our servers over to PHP 5.3. Whereas right now, all PHP scripts on the server (unless you have requested otherwise) are running under the outdated and deprecated PHP 5.2 system, after this transition PHP scripts will execute under PHP 5.3 (the latest version of PHP 5.3, which right now is 5.3.13). We are set to begin transitioning to PHP 5.3 around Tuesday, June 5th.

This will begin a move to bring our servers more up to date. PHP 5.2 is outdated and no longer being supported. A transition to PHP 5.3 really should have happened several months ago, but because we wanted to make sure all of the popular scripts were updated to support PHP 5.3, we held off on performing this transition.

Pretty much every script you use should be compatible with PHP 5.3, because after all, PHP 5.2 is deprecated and no longer being supported. If you are using a script that does not work with PHP 5.3, then this should be a sign that it is outdated and insecure and no longer being properly maintained. It may be the case that you are using an outdated version of a script that has since added support for PHP 5.3. It cannot be stressed enough how important it is for you to keep your scripts (and your themes/plugins/components/extensions) up to date. When you don’t upgrade your scripts you are leaving your website open and vulnerable to an attack. It is up to you, as the website operator, to keep your scripts up to date.

You need to insure that all of your scripts are up to date and compatible with PHP 5.3 before this transition is made. If you need help determining what scripts and what version of the scripts you have installed, contact us and we can help you.

Below is a list of popular scripts that are known to support PHP 5.3.

– WordPress

– Joomla! 1.5 (version 1.5.15+)

– Joomla! 2.5

– Drupal 6+

– phpBB3


– Gallery

– Coppermine

– phpList

– Zen Cart (version 1.3.9+)

– Moodle

Again we will be beginning this transition to PHP 5.3 around June 5th. You can help to minimize any problems on your account by insuring that you are using the latest version of any script on your web hosting account and insuring that it is compatible with PHP 5.3.
