[General] MySQL username password change
Monday, June 16th, 2014 - General
One of the issues that has arose with the switch to PHP 5.4 has to do with MySQL username passwords. If you created a MySQL username and password combination many years ago, on a system that predates MySQL 4.0, then PHP 5.4 is not going to recognize this password. This has to do with the change of MySQL engines that PHP 5.4 uses versus what previous versions of PHP used.
If you see an error message or warning message on your website that says the page is not able to connect to the database server or error connecting to database server, it is likely that you are being hit by this issue.
If you are being hit by this error, you can submit a support ticket and our support staff will assist with this. Just be sure to include a link to the website or webpage that is giving you this error message.
You can also resolve this issue yourself, by changing or updating the MySQL password that your script uses. You can even use the same password, the system just has to update itself to store the password in a way that the new PHP 5.4 MySQL engine will understand.
– Before you start, you either need to know what the current MySQL username password is for your script or know how to change the password in the script’s configuration. If you do not know this information or do not know how to gather or change the information, then you will probably just want to submit a support ticket and let our support staff handle this issue for you.
To change or update the password for a MySQL username, log into your cPanel:
Find the section labeled Databases and look for the MySQL Databases icon:

Click this icon.
Next, scroll down to the bottom of that page, you’ll find a section labeled Current Users. In that table you’ll see a list of your MySQL usernames:
Click on the desired MySQL username that you are wanting to change or update the password to.
Next, you’ll get a page labeled MySQL Account Maintenance and you will see the MySQL username you clicked and two boxes for the password:
Type the password for the MySQL username in both MySQL fields, or enter a new password in both MySQL fields, or use the Password Generator button to generate a new password, then click Change Password.
The password to this MySQL username should then be changed. If you reused the same password, then your script should be working now. If you entered a new password, you would need to update the configuration file for your script to use the new password.
As always, if you need assistance with this, you can submit a support ticket at:
Steven – AMS Support