PHP 7.2 / 7.3 available
Wednesday, April 17th, 2019 - General
We now have PHP 7.2 and PHP 7.3 available on our servers. If you wish to switch to one of these versions on your account, simply open a support ticket – and we will update your account to the desired PHP version.
Please note, there were a lot of changes made in these updates from PHP 7.1. So before updating your account to one of these version, make sure the script you are using is compatible with the desired PHP version.
There is currently (as of April 17, 2019) no need to update your account to one of these PHP versions. These versions are simple being made available for our users that wish to update, for whatever reason. If you have no reason to update to PHP 7.2 or PHP 7.3, then I would not recommend doing so at this time.
The current end-of-life schedule for PHP shows PHP 7.1 (all of our accounts are currently using PHP 7.1) going end of life just before the end of this year – December 1, 2019 (source –

Right now we don’t have a schedule really set in stone regarding our full deployment of these updated PHP versions and the removal of PHP 7.1. We’re probably looking at a schedule that will see us push out PHP 7.3 as the default PHP version on all accounts around late 3Q or early 4Q 2019 (September/October 2019) and then with the removal of PHP 7.1 sometime in December 2019 or early 2020. But that schedule is very fluid right now. Adoption rates of PHP 7.3 are very small right now. That will need to increase before we can feel comfortable pushing PHP 7.3 out. Right now that would be our preference, to skip PHP 7.2 as a default version and go straight to PHP 7.3 – but again the situation is fluid and we are still several months away from having to make any decisions on this.