[General] PHP 5.3 Now Available
Thursday, October 6th, 2011 - General, PHP5
We have recently updated our servers to support PHP 5.3 (currently 5.3.8, but we will keep this up to date with the latest version of 5.3).
We are currently running a dual system with PHP, supporting both PHP 5.2 and PHP 5.3. Everything still defaults to the normal PHP 5.2 version. But if you have a special need for PHP 5.3, we can enable PHP 5.3 for your website.
Just shoot us a support ticket and we’ll be happy to switch your account over to PHP 5.3.
Eventually all systems will have to be switched over to PHP 5.3 by default, but we don’t have any time estimate for when that will be. When PHP 5.3 was first released there were a lot of compatibility issues with scripts due to changes in PHP 5.3 from PHP 5.2, so that is why we did not immediately upgrade and it’s why we are not switching to PHP 5.3 by default.
If you have any questions at all about this, please feel free to open a support ticket and our support team will be glad to answer any questions you may have.
[Security] Joomla 1.7.1 Released
Monday, October 3rd, 2011 - General
An updated to Joomla! has been release, version 1.7.1. All Joomla! users are encouraged to upgrade. This is a security release and fixes a security hole in previous version. Failing to update can lead to your website being hacked.
For more information see:
[Security] TimThumb disablings
Tuesday, September 27th, 2011 - Security
As we have documented in previous posts (here and here) an exploit is making its way through the Internet in a security hole in the popular TimThumb addon. TimThumb is common in many WordPress themes.
Lately we have been seeing a lot of hacks as a result of this vulnerability. So many in fact that we are going to have to take measures to protect our servers and our clients from this vulnerability.
Starting today, September 27th 2011, we will be going through the servers and disabling any outdated TimThumb scripts that we find. This may have the adverse affect of disabling the thumbnails and thumbnail creation of your images in your WordPress blog or other scripts. We apologize for this, but the alternative is to risk having your account hacked into through this vulnerability.
WordPress users need to contact the developers of whatever theme they are using on their blog and insure that they are aware of this TimThumb vulnerability. The fix for this vulnerability will have to come from your theme developer. If the theme you are using is no longer being maintained, then this should be red flag that this is not a theme you should be using. If the developer refuses to include the updated TimThumb in their theme, then this should also be a red flag for you.
The purpose of all of this is to protect your webhosting account and keep your account from being hacked into.
[Security] TimThumb Vulnerability – Fixes
Wednesday, August 10th, 2011 - Security
The TimThumb exploit is still out there. More theme developers are updating their themes to include fixed solutions for this library.
The TimThumb project was forked into another project, called WordThumb by Mark Maunder and then recombined with the TimThumb project. As a result the versions of TimThumb is a little out of whack. The current version of TimThumb appears to be 2.7, however any version after (and including) 1.34 appears to have fixed the major issue with TimThumb. Each subsequent release of TimThumb just adds additional security layers, and for this reason version 2.7 is probably the version you need to be using.
However, the best thing you can in regards to this vulnerability is talk to developer, the person that wrote the WordPress theme you are using, and ask them if the theme is vulnerable to this security issue. It is important to note that this is not a security issue with WordPress. In fact TimThumb is used by other applications other than WordPress. WordPress is just the most common venue for TimThumb, and select WordPress users are more likely to be affected by this. It is also worth pointing out that not all WordPress uses are affected by this, it just depends on what themes you have installed and are using on your website.
The security blog Sucuri has a list of SOME affected WordPress themes:
However it is important to point out that this is not a complete list. Just because your WordPress theme is not listed here, does not mean that it is not affected by this exploit. Again, the best step is to talk to your WordPress theme developer and ask them if you are affected by this vulnerability.
Matt Mullenweg, the founder and creator of WordPress, has an interesting post about this issue:
We are going to be going through the servers looking for timthumb.php files that may be affected by this. You should receive an email from us if this is found on your webhosting account. However, not all themes use the timthumb.php filename and for those we will not be able to find them. So just because you did not receive an email from us, this does not mean that you are affected by this. Again, I cannot stress this point enough, the best thing you can do is talk to your theme developer and ask them if you are affected by this. Your theme developer, the makers of your theme, are going to be your best bet at finding out if you are vulnerable to this.
[Security] Updated ModSecurity Filters
Monday, August 8th, 2011 - Security
As we mentioned in an earlier post, today we are beginning the deployment of new ModSecurity filters on our shared hosting servers.
We haved decided to push out these updates a few days before they were scheduled due to the recent TimThumb exploit (some details here). These new rules will hopefully help mitigate any damage that this exploit can cause (But please note – The new ModSecurity rules do not solve the problem completely, affected TimThumb users should upgrade or discuss this with your theme developer). We are going to be going through the servers looking for TimThumb scripts in the next few days and you may receive an email about this.
These new ModSecurity rules do have the potential to cause certain security issues for some websites. Some actions and files will generate false positives. Rules can be exempted for your website, if a certain rule is causing you problems. You will just need to open a support ticket with our support staff regarding this.
To open a support ticket, go to our Account Management page:
And click on the Support Ticket link.
These new rules should help prevent exploits and compromises on your webhosting account, this is why they are being put into place. We do apologize for any inconvenience these new rules might cause.