[Updates] Drupal 7.7 Released

Thursday, July 28th, 2011 - Updates

A new version of Drupal has been release, version 7.7.


Note: There was some discrepancies in the releases. When Drupal 7.6 was released it was still reporting as being Drupal 7.5. Drupal 7.7 was released that fixed this display bug. Drupal 7.6 and Drupal 7.7 are essentially the same version.


[Updates] Joomla! 1.6.6 Release

Wednesday, July 27th, 2011 - Updates

Joomla! today released a new version of Joomla! 1.6 today, version 1.6.6. The release notes are at:


This is a security update intended for users of Joomla! 1.6 that are otherwise unable to upgrade to Joomla! 1.7.0. All users are encouraged to upgrade to Joomla! 1.7.0 and avoid this 1.6.6 update if at all possible.

Apparently my understanding of the situation was wrong. I was under the impression that there would be no further upgrades to Joomla! 1.6 as everything had been moved to 1.7.0. However, this does not appear to be the case, although Joomla! 1.6 now has an end-of-life date of August 19th, 2011, so all users will need to be using Joomla! 1.7.0 before then.

In my opinion, this is one thing that hampers Joomla!, there are too many different versions of the software and a lot of components and extensions that don’t stay up-to-date. I believe Joomla! would be better served if they stuck to just one version, and force or strongly encourage that all users keep their scripts up-to-date with that version. It is difficult to know if your Joomla! script is safe and free of any security vulnerabilities when there are several different releases.

At any rate, we wanted our clients to be aware of this, and encourage them to upgrade to Joomla! 1.7.0 before August 19th, 2011.


[Updates] CubeCart 5.0.1 released

Wednesday, July 20th, 2011 - Updates

A new version of CubeCart has been released, version 5.0.1. This is a security release that fixes some software bugs that were discovered in CubeCart. All users are encouraged to upgrade.



[Updates] Joomla! 1.7.0 released

Tuesday, July 19th, 2011 - Updates

A new version of Joomla! has been released. This is a security update. Release notes for this new version are available at:


This release utilizes the one click upgrade method that has been made available in Joomla! since 1.6.0. So if you are using Joomla! 1.6.5, the upgrade should be easy. Upgrade instructions are available at:


All users are encouraged to upgrade to this release, and keep your Joomla! script up-to-date. Also, please keep your components up-to-date as well.


[Updates] Script Updates

Wednesday, July 13th, 2011 - Updates

Lately we have seen a few websites being hacked and defaced due to the fact that they are using old and outdated versions of scripts on their website.

For example, a website that uses WordPress for its contents, if that WordPress script is not kept up-to-date then when a security hole is identified in the script, you are not patched and protected against that security hole. This provides a gateway for a hacker or malicious user to gain access to your webhosting account.

This is why it is so very important to keep the scripts you have on your website, and any plugins, addons, extensions, and components up-to-date. Also you will want to make sure that any plugins, addons, extensions, or components that you use are reputable and are safe and secure to be used on your account.

Below is a list of common scripts and the current latest versions of those scripts, as of Wednesday July 13, 2011. Keep in mind, you may be using a script that is not listed here and for that you would need to insure that you are keeping that script up-to-date. The ones listed below are just common scripts that we have found to be installed on our servers. If you are using one of these scripts, you should check and make sure you are using the latest version of that script.

Latest Version: 3.2.1
Script Website: http://www.wordpress.org

Latest Version: 1.6.5
Script Website: http://www.joomla.org

Latest Version: 3.0.9
Script Website: http://www.phpbb.com

Latest Version: 7.4
Script Website: http://www.drupal.org

Latest Version: 2.0
Script Website: http://www.simplemachines.org

Latest Version: 0.7.26rc1
Script Website: http://www.e107.org

Latest Version: 3.0.2
Script Website: http://gallery.menalto.com

Latest Version: 1.5.12
Script Website: http://www.coppermine-gallery.net

Latest Version: osCommerce Online Merchant v2.3.1
Script Website: http://www.oscommerce.com

Latest Version: 1.3.9h
Script Website: http://www.zen-cart.com

Latest Version:
Script Website: http://www.cubecart.com

CRE Loaded
Latest Version: 6.4.1
Script Website: http://www.creloaded.com

Latest Version: 2.10.14
Script Website: http://www.phplist.com

Latest Version: 4.5.3
Script Website: http://www.typo3.org

CMS Made Simple
Latest Version:
Script Website: http://www.cmsmadesimple.org

We have an RSS feed for this blog where we post about certain script updates:

Link: http://blog.amssupport.info/?cat=10
RSS: http://blog.amssupport.info/?cat=10&feed=rss2
