[General] PHP4 Disabling – Postponed
Thursday, September 17th, 2009 - General
It seems I made an error when searching for accounts that are using PHP4. Turns out that there are slightly more than a handful of accounts that are still using PHP4.
PHP4 has been re-enabled on all of our servers. We will be writing each of these accounts individually and we will revisit the disabling of PHP4 probably sometime next week. If I happen to find any server that is not hosting any PHP4 accounts, PHP4 may be disabled on those servers.
I do apologize for any inconvenience this disabling may have caused users that were not identified by our search.
[General] PHP4 Disabling
Thursday, September 17th, 2009 - General
I have gone through all of our servers and I checked for PHP4 usage. I really did not find that many accounts that were still using PHP4. Only a handful of accounts appear to still be using PHP4 and only on a couple of our servers. If you were found to be using PHP4 you should have received an e-mail notice from us.
Because of the low turn out with PHP4, I am going to be disabling PHP4 on all of the servers that don’t appear to be serving up PHP4.
PLEASE NOTE: If you received a notice about PHP4 on your account, then you won’t be affected by this. At least not yet. Right now, I am only disabling PHP4 on servers where we did not detect any PHP4 usage.
The purpose of this is to find out if there are any other accounts that may still be using PHP4 that we are unaware of. If you see an INTERNAL SERVER ERROR when access your PHP scripts, then this likely indicates that you were using PHP4. Please open a support ticket to have this investigated.
[General] PHP4 End of Life
Tuesday, September 15th, 2009 - General
I am trying to get an idea of how many users on our servers are still using PHP4. I am going to try and design some searches on the servers to see if I can pinpoint any users that are still using PHP4. If you know or think you are still using PHP4, drop us a support ticket at:
Depending on how many accounts I find that are still using PHP4, you may receive a notice if you are an account that is still using PHP4 or you may not receive any notice. I am wanting to remove PHP4 from all of our servers and go solely with PHP5. All of our accounts have been using PHP5 by default for almost two years now. There should not be a lot of clients that are still using PHP4.
When PHP5 was first released there were some concerns about compatibility issues with some scripts. That should not be the case any longer. If a script is failing to work with PHP5 after PHP5 has been released for over 5 years, then that script is not being properly maintained. PHP4 officially went end-of-life on December 31, 2007.